Itchy Scalp? Why You Have It And Recommended Treatments

Do you find yourself scratching endlessly on a day-to-day basis? Or perhaps it happens from time to time, but nevertheless you’ll be scratching your scalp without realizing it too. You probably don’t want to hear it, but you could be suffering from an itchy scalp. No clue on what caused it and how to treat it? Read on to learn more! 

What causes a very itchy scalp?

  1. Psoriasis 


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease which causes scaly, itchy red patches on your scalp or skin. One thing to take note of is that it is not contagious. Rather, it can be found in your genes whereby someone in your family tree has this skin disorder. 

Aside from that, certain issues such as infections, stress or medications could cause these flares as well (provided you have this autoimmune condition). 


  1. Dandruff


Probably the most common causes of itchy scalp would be none other than dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis. Once the glands on your scalp become inflamed, it causes itchiness, flakiness as well as red patches. The main causes as to why the glands get inflamed is due to hormonal changes or yeast overgrowth found on the scalp. 

See Also: Causes of Dandruff And How To Choose The Best Dandruff Shampoo


  1. Head Lice 

Head Lice

Despite the common perception that head lice only occurs in schoolchildren, anyone of all ages could possibly get head lice as well. Lice are usually attracted to clean hair, hence why it’s not because you have dirty hair but rather you take care of it really well. 

Head lice is quite similar to dandruff, except you can’t easily shake it off from your hair as it is practically attached to your hair shaft. You may notice small, tiny dots (which are the eggs) on your hair strands. 

And if you apply hair dye, there’s a possibility of an allergic reaction called contact dermatitis, primarily because the ingredient called ‘para-phenylenediamine (PPD)’ which is commonly found in black hair dyes would cause irritation. 

Besides that, sometimes certain hair products could contain ingredients that your scalp is sensitive to.


  1. Reactions to certain hair products 

Reactions to certain hair products

Not all shampoos or hair products are good for you, particularly if you have sensitive skin. Plus, when you haven’t rinsed the shampoo or conditioner from your hair properly, it could cause irritation to your scalp. 


  1. Nerve issues 

Nerve issues

If you happen to have a nerve problem, it might cause an itchy scalp. You wouldn’t be able to see anything physically on your scalp, though. The nerves on your scalp tend to fire and overreact often, which results in an itchy scalp (rash or skin reaction). 


  1. Sunburn 


Yes, sunburn could cause an itchy scalp too! When you’re out in the sun for a long period of time and don't bother putting on a hat or using an umbrella, you might just be having sunburn which makes your scalp itchy. 


  1. Sweat 


Have you been sweating more than usual lately? You could have an itchy scalp if the sweat and dirt builds up overtime. The skin of your scalp is similar to your face - it needs to be washed and cleaned regularly. For example, after an intense work out session, you decide to skip your shower session and go about your day (or perhaps accidentally falling asleep). 

When the sweat dries up on your scalp, it can cause irritation which leads to itchiness. 


  1. A ponytail that’s too tight 

A ponytail that’s too tight

Girls, we understand sometimes it’s better to just put on a ponytail and go on with our day. But it can cause scalp itching as well as potential hair loss. Wonder why? Well, because certain hairstyles such as braids or weaves could be too harsh on the hair follicles (pulling off the hair), which results in scars after a long period of time. 


What happens when you scratch an itchy scalp?

While it’s normal to start scratching an itchy scalp because it’s an automatic response. However, do you really know what could happen if you were to keep scratching away? 


Potential hair loss or thinning

If you were to scratch your scalp back and forth on a frequent basis, it removes the protective layer which in return makes your hair easier to break as the bonds get weaker. Thus, increasing the chance of hair loss or thinning. 


Scalp infections 

When you scratch with long fingernails, it could lead to infections because of the risk of scraping your scalp each time. It would be similar to causing a scratch on your skin for the rest of your body. 

If there is a scratch on your scalp, it leads to dehydration (lack of moisture) while making your scalp more vulnerable and exposed to the air. 


How do you get rid of an itchy scalp instantly? 

  1. Choose the suitable shampoo for itchy scalp 

Choose the suitable shampoo for itchy scalp

This is a given - you’ll have to use a specific shampoo or hair product that is made to sooth itchy scalp. For instance, you should always use hair products that have no preservatives, parabens, alcohol and are free from SLES/ SLS such as the Wellsen Marula Oil Hair and Scalp Care Collection

This hair collection is infused with the secret ingredient Marula Oil that is known to protect, restore and replenish your scalp to make it healthier than ever before. 


  1. Make use of home remedies 

Make use of home remedies

Things that you could easily find in your home such as apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil. For apple cider vinegar, it helps to reduce the itchiness due to the anti-inflammatory properties. Simply mix it with warm water and rinse your scalp with it after applying shampoo. 

As for tea tree oil, it helps to combat head lice, dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.You could use this method by mixing it with olive oil or shampoo and apply it directly to your scalp. 


  1. Visit a professional to take OTC medications 

Visit a professional to take OTC medications

For severe itchy scalp conditions such as ringworm or atopic dermatitis, it would be best to take OTC (over-the-counter) medications prescribed by a dermatologist to cure it instantly. 

If you’re too worried about your itchy scalp, we advise you to seek a certified dermatologist to make sure that you’re using the best method to cure your itchy scalp. Always remember that it’s not the end of the world if you’re suffering from itchy scalp! 


See Also: Hair Loss Causes | Why You Are Losing Hair and How to Treat it

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